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Bali, Indonesia 

Back home (March ’23)

Hooking up with Indonesian photographer Rarindra Prakarsa for a photoshoot of cultural life in Ubud.

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The island time forgot

Socotra, Yemen (March ’23)

The Galapagos island of the Indian Ocean. Complicated to get to, but one of the most unique locations on the planet.

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Carnival in Venice

A week in enchanted Venice (Feb ’23)

Looking forward to an amazing time with renowned photographer Jim Zuckerman in an ancient city I know very well and have visited many times over the last 30 years.


Ethiopia (Jan ’23)

Christmas in Lalibela and Omo Valley 

Pilgramage is made by 1.8 million Orthodox Ethiopians to Lalibela. Most walk to it and return home on foot. Some take months to complete the once in a lifetime journey. A ambiance is ancient and feels like walking in Biblical times. Many are so exhausted from the pilgramage that they sleep right through the Christmas night celebration. 


Namibia (Dec ’22)

Tribes and Dunes

An amazing country of hot deserts and cold coastline. Beautiful light and desert colors simply magical. Traveling on what seems like endless empty roads in this big nation that has only 2.6 million people. 


São Miguel Island, Azores (Oct ’22)

Dormant volcanoes and flowers

My first sensation is amazement at the uniquen landscape of these isolated islands. Lush green forests and mountains with flower and even more flowers growing wild on the edges of roads and hillsides. There are  hotsprings and waterfalls throughout. The sun is out but the wind is strong and cold. 

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